Saturday, November 5, 2016

Is there a connection between the Chicago Cubs World Series Win and the 2016 Election ?

Is there a Connection between the Chicago Cubs World Series Win and the 2016 Election ?

Answer: Yes, and there is A LOT more to it than that! 

Several reasons why:
  The Chicago Cubs World Series Win, relates to the Election between Donald J Trump and Hillary Clinton.  

The signs that have been all around us.
Collected thus far and how it even relates to wikileaks and the Candidates running for POTUS.

There are three things you must know about me.
  •  I am an imperfect Christian/person
  •  I'm not a sports nut. 
  • And I'm no scholar. 

There is a lot to this, and It's hard to sort out what to include or exclude. But I will do my best.

That gut feeling, 

A lot of you have said, is it odd that the Cubs won the world series now? It feels like it could mean something. I can't help but feel it means something.  and that must mean something big is about to happen. And you have also said within your spirit that it has to do with the election some how.

 Well you are right , you are right. And at first I questioned this just like you but more and more evidence just kept popping up. 

 I would like to show you a collection of info from various articles , youtube videos and photos as well as predictions with amazing detail, and best of all back up the word of God.

Make sure to come back, I am gathering as much info as I can that relates to the Cubs world Series curse and the race for who becomes president of the United States of America. 

But I encourage you to look into this yourself. But in the mean time I have gathered:

 articles, news, and findings that speak volumes. 

 I will post the links and try to be as brief as possible. But there is alot to share!

 Enough, time to scroll and read.. and say, "I knew it!" 

"Cubs Win the world series.
And the 2016 Election Connection ?"
Is The Curse Broken For the Cubs and America?

1.  In the Big inning...

 "The  Chicago Cubs and the Billy Goat curse!"
copied from

"Sixty five years ago today, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series, William Sianis and his goat were escorted from their seats by Wrigley Field security. Here’s a closer look at the man who cursed the Cubs. 

William “Billy Goat” Sianis was born in Greece in 1895. He came to the U.S. in 1912 and taught himself English by reading newspapers. Just months after the repeal of Prohibition, he bought the Lincoln Tavern, a bar across the street from the Chicago Stadium (now site of the United Center) for a whopping $205. According to legend, the check bounced but he repaid his debt following his first weekend in business. Not long after, a baby goat fell from a truck just outside the tavern. Sianis nursed the goat to health, dubbed him Murphy, grew himself a goatee and renamed his bar The Billy Goat Inn. 

A natural marketer, Sianis knew his way around a publicity stunt. In 1944, when the city hosted the Republican National Convention, he posted a sign outside the door saying “No Republicans Served Here.” Angry Republicans went inside to inquire why, only to find themselves getting served afterall, and in large number. 

Publicity is no doubt what Billy Goat Sianis had in mind when he took Murphy across town to catch game 4 of the Detroit-Cubs World Series the following year. He purchased two box seat tickets for a total of $7.20, and was allowed to parade his animal around Wrigley’s infield during the drizzly pre-game wait. Murphy wore a placard reading “We Got Detroit’s Goat.” 

I'm sure by now you are noticing some things already, or perhaps you have read this article.
I want to point out that on this day it was raining. I don't know if that is considered a good or bad omen regarding baseball, I'd be grateful if someone can let me know but let me tell you why this is significant to the rain intermission during the 2016 World Series Cub win.

I can't find the video but soon as I do I will post it, on Foxnews the anchor said, "If it wasnt for that rain delay the cubs may not of won, the cubs had a chance to recollect themselves ..."

What is interesting is the day the curse started it was raining, and the day the curse ended it was raining...

It's been 108 years since the cubs won the world series, and the Cubs won in the 10th inning with 8.
Put those together and that is 108, now I cant take credit for that, someone on a facebook comment pointed that out.

 I am a nut about numbers but I hate math, ridiculous right? watch this...
I became obsessed with looking up 3 digit numbers in the bible lexicon .. lets you search numbers that are almost like a social security number that is assigned to a word. and every word in the bible has a number.

I looked up 108..H108 (the H stands for hebrew) on blue letter bible.
and here is what is amazing!

the word that is assigned to that number is a hebrew word meaning "mist/rain/vapour"!
there are only 2 verses in the bible that use this word!

But there went up a mist H108 from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour H108 thereof:

The Lord blew my mind right then and there. And I knew ..just like you knew in your gut this has to mean something.   but what?!

Well I will tell you of more findings , that are even more ties to the Cubs curse! check this out!

John Podesta said 3/22/2015 in a wikileaks email release:

John Podesta confirms for us that Hillary Clinton "rarely bathes," and emits an "odor" that smells like "boiled cabbage, urine, and farts."

now lets go back to that article about the goat, The Cubs Billy goat curse..

"Ushers tried to give Billy Goat and his billy goat the boot before the game started, but Sianis argued he’d paid for two box seats and thus they should be allowed to stay. And they were, until the 4th inning. Then the ushers arrived again and told Sianis that someone had complained about the goat’s smell. The pair were asked to leave.

 Accounts vary as to what happened next, but all agree that William Sianis was not pleased. Some say that he cursed the franchise there and then, declaring that no World Series games would ever again be played at Wrigley Field. Others contend he said it was the Cubs who would never appear in another series, regardless of venue. Sianis’ family maintain that, still angry the following day, he sent a telegram to Cubs owner Phillip K. Wrigley saying the team would lose the 1945 World Series and never win (as opposed to appear in) another, all because they had slighted his beloved goat. "

Can you see how this is just too similar already?  But wait! There's more!

Let me remind you that the Billy goat fell off a truck, and here is the full  John Podesta email about Hillary...

People tell me that Hillary is acting ‘like a retard’ since her head injury. Frankly, considering her normal behavior, I’m surprised anyone noticed! (this is a joke!) Have someone talk to her doctor and see if there’s anything he can give her.
Also, I’ve noticed she’s had an "odor" lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts. I’m guessing it’s either connected to her fall or simply the fact that she rarely bathes. Outside of encouraging her to take a shower once in a while, I don’t know what to do about this. — any suggestions would be appreciated.
–sent from my iPad–

Can you believe this!?  But wait! There's more!

The Billy goat curse was triggered in 1945. This election determines our 45th President.

November 4th 2016, Fox News posted an article about a Medieval well researchers discovered! 
It's a sin washing well.  Some say it washed sins, and cured illness, and other said it was cursed! 
 here is a clip from that article:

the well—believed to have healing properties into the 19th century—also features in a more ominous legend suggesting it's cursed. During a dispute over the well in the 16th century, the prior reportedly cursed the estate manager of a neighboring landowner, whom he believed had a hand in the monastery being seized by the king.
The prior said a "year and a day shall not pass ere St. Anne thy head shall bruise"—then the prior himself collapsed and died, according to an 1877 newspaper recounting of the legend.
The estate manager is said to have disappeared after a night of drinking, only to be found dead in the well with "his head crushed in." 

I was cruising youtube and found a title that caught my eye 

What is interesting is there was another discovery where in an old church they believe the tomb of Jesus was unearth, it hasnt been confirmed. they broke some layers of marble. You might have to look this up on google. It happened this year 2016.

That is why the title of this video caught my eye.  Watch it and check out when Zack Drew starts talking about Nixon and Hillary and he quotes the bible....

I will try to tell you the nutshell version..

 Zack said Hillary was one of the people that brought President Nixon down, she was behind the unveiling of the watergate scandal.

Nixon was caught because of tape recordings, Hillary is caught with her emails. Now Hillary thought she learned from Nixon's mistake so she deleted the emails.  But we all know the emails found their way back .

I must stress my final point in all this.

Hillary has brought a curse upon herself, and anyone standing next to her could suffer.
I'm not talking about the people who voted for her. The signs are pointing to a crushing of the head.
and I believe if she were to succeed in presidency it will be taken from her just like she devised and took it from President Nixon. or who knows maybe her head will literally be crushed. Or maybe she will simply just lose power.

 regardless, I wish no harm on anyone, especially those who are unaware of her devices, and pray that those people that are supporting her realize, her end is coming. Do not continue to help her.

It's like a temple is crumbling, and they are just standing there waiting for someone else to tell them they should run out the building.  But who knows when that temple will cave in. And by the time they realize, it will be too late.

11/5/2016 Update!

Do NOT vote for Hillary ! 
The elect should not elect Hillary! 

Reason you should not discredit or take lightly the:

  Spirit Cooking Wikileak Podesta email.

This info is copied from :

  • Jay Z performs at Hillary Rally in Cleveland Ohio November 5, 2016 

Big deal, right? You might change your mind after you read this...

  • Picture of Jay Z seen with Marina Abramovic who is a Satanic "Artist"!!!

Here is that same woman, mentioned in the John Podesta emails and seen above with Jay Z.

Again, who do we recognize in the photo with this satanic artist? none other than her splitting image JayZ !   Remember he performed at Hillary's Rally! ? This woman calls herself a "performer" an "artist". Jay Z is a performer /Artist. or so he claims. 

Here i copied this from google.

Jay Z to perform at Hillary Clinton rally: Tune in on Snap, Facebook ...

If you want to watch videos of who this woman is , and real footage of her evil art, look up her name on youtube, real videos of her satanic rituals,  to back up these wikileak emails!

 If you do not want to watch the video ... I'll tell you what it shows.

That woman, Marina Abramovic seen with  Jay Z claims to be an artist?
But her supposed "Art" is actually very demonic! And so are Jay Z's lyrics/videos.

 Dont worry I wont go into much detail. The important thing to know is...

in the video she writes various "spirit cooking" recipes in BLOOD 
one of the ingredients mentioned is "sprinkled urine" .

 Now, if you remember, John Podesta noticed Hillary smells like Urine among other things. And sees it as a problem.  Just like the goat in in the Billy Goat Curse!

Proving that she is the goat in the "Billy Goat Cubs Curse"
Billy ...Billy...Bill.(Clinton?).y...and his Goat... "Billy" "Goat" "Curse"...

  Remember how its been 108 years since the cubs won the World series?
Remember how H108 in the hebrew lexicon mean "Mist/rain/vapour"?

I'm sure most of you have already heard but just incase I thought I would include this most recent down pour...

Rained Out! Hoarse Hillary Clinton Cuts Rally Short Due to Florida Storm
Breitbart News - 11 hours ago Saturday, November 5, 2016

Another AMAZING thing to mention,

Is what happens at Hillary's next Rally!!! It.. rained on her! and for the first time in any of her rally's she said God bless you." And the people cheered!  I personally think she got scared into saying it .

Notice how Hillary's voice sounds in this video, as if the Lord is literally saying I am taking your voice, and I will purify America. Get off that stage!

There is a clear message about Hillary , Everyone is saying how Donald Trump is a Liar, they are both corrupt. No!  Because there is a difference between evil and just being human!

I believe men/women of God, I believe the Lord has sent Donald J Trump to cleanse America. He may not be "perfect" He may not be a "politician" but he was chosen by God. And that makes Him worthy! 

Watch this short video!

This man of God received a prophecy from God on the 10th of august !!, 
and everyone knows August is the 8th month. That is 108!

If you would like to share any of your blogs or videos post them in the comment section.
Feel free to share this.  

Well thanks for reading, and stopping by. if you haven't already, look at what others are saying about the  Donald Trump Prophecy on youtube.

Hop aboard the Trump Train ! Share the word ! Blast that Trumpet! God is so good!

P.s. I think the Lord wants me to also stress, Hillary's fate could be a symbol of two things. Like the Medieval well that was recently discovered. You can be blessed or you can be cursed.  Your actions, are going to determine your fate. But don't worry! You don't have to be perfect, the spirit of deception will be lifted off you. You only need to humble yourself before the Lord Jesus and ask for your sins to be forgiven.

You will begin to hear that spirit, the spirit of God inside you.  And if you listen to that good voice inside you, you are going to be set free.

 How do I know? because I'm not perfect, and I wanted to win arguments alot and I noticed alot of bad things happening around me.

I had a dream the Lord came and he took me with his power but not his presence.
Just like I had believed in him all these years but went about my day ignoring him.  He took me to heaven and he was hugging everyone, but when he got to me, he skipped me, he didn't even look at me.

It hurt worse than anything you can imagine. And I repented and it took some days because I couldn't shake that terrible nightmare from my head. but eventually I started noticing I was hearing from the Lord !

 Anyway bottom line is, Repent, humble yourself , And ask the Lord for help. It isn't rocket science, and it doesn't matter how you do it, it just matters THAT you do it.  Pray to Jesus. Ask him with a humble heart.

 You don't have to be perfect, you just have to try to listen to that good voice inside you. you know the one, that tells you to stop fighting, no name calling. You remember that voice? that's the one.  And spend time with him would ya?
Like you would a friend. No one likes to be ignored, especially if your God and you are everywhere.

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